How Many Gels Should I Eat During a Marathon?

Fuelling correctly during a marathon is crucial for maintaining energy levels, preventing ‘hitting the wall’, and achieving your goals. One of the most common questions runners have is about the optimal number of gels to consume throughout the 42.195 kilometres. Gels, with their concentrated glucose, provide a quick and convenient energy source, but knowing how many to take and when can be a game-changer for your race strategy.

Understanding Gel Fuelling

Each energy gel typically contains around 20-25 grams of carbohydrates, designed to be easily digestible and quick to act, offering an immediate energy boost. The key to effective gel consumption is balancing enough intake to fuel your performance without overloading your stomach, which can lead to discomfort or gastrointestinal issues.

The General Guideline

A widely accepted guideline is to consume one gel approximately every 45 minutes to an hour during a marathon. This schedule aims to supplement your body’s carbohydrate stores, which, even when well-stocked from carb-loading before the race, will likely be depleted over the course of a marathon.

Personalising Your Gel Intake

Start with Your Pace

Your pace plays a significant role in determining how many gels you’ll need. Faster runners, covering more ground in less time, may require gels at shorter intervals since they’ll complete the race quicker than those at a slower pace. Conversely, slower runners will be on the course longer, potentially needing more gels but spaced out over more time.

Know Your Needs

Individual metabolic rates and how efficiently your body uses energy reserves vary from runner to runner. Some may find they need more frequent boosts, while others can sustain longer periods between gels. Training runs are the perfect opportunity to test how your body responds to different fuelling strategies.

Consider the Course

A hilly or challenging course might increase your energy expenditure, necessitating more frequent gel consumption. Similarly, weather conditions can affect your energy needs; hotter races may increase your reliance on liquids over gels, affecting how you balance hydration and energy intake.

Strategies for Gel Consumption

Before the Race

Taking a gel 15-30 minutes before the start can top off your energy stores, especially if there’s been a long gap since your last meal.

During the Race

Start taking gels before you feel depleted, ideally around the 45-minute mark, and continue at regular intervals based on your predetermined strategy.

Listen to Your Body

Be responsive to your body’s signals. If you start feeling unexpectedly fatigued, taking a gel outside of your planned schedule can provide a necessary energy boost.

Quantity Guidelines

For most marathoners, planning to have 4-6 gels throughout the race is a solid starting point. This amount ensures you’re consistently replenishing your carbohydrate stores without overwhelming your digestive system. Adjust this number based on the duration you expect to be running, your pace, and personal tolerance.

The Importance of Selection: Which Gel?

Deciding how many gels to consume is only part of the equation. Equally important is choosing the right gel that aligns with your body’s preferences and needs. Gels vary significantly in consistency, flavour, and composition, factors that can impact how easily they go down and how well they sit in your stomach during the race.

Trial and Error

Experimentation during your training runs is key to identifying the gel that works best for you. Pay attention to:

  • Ease of Consumption: Ensure the gel isn’t too thick or sticky, making it difficult to consume while on the move.
  • Digestive Comfort: Notice how your stomach reacts post-consumption. The last thing you want is gastrointestinal discomfort mid-race.

Smash Founders' Preferred Choice

After trying every brand out there, the founders of Smash have a strong preference for Maurten gels. Known for their smooth consistency, Maurten gels are easy to consume and come with the added benefit of not having an overpowering taste. Their formula is designed to minimise the risk of digestive issues, making them a go-to choice for many marathon runners seeking reliable and comfortable energy replenishment.

Final Thoughts

The number of gels needed in a marathon is highly individual, influenced by factors like pace, personal energy needs, and the race conditions. By experimenting during training runs, you can identify a fuelling plan that works best for you, ensuring you approach race day with a clear strategy for when and how many gels to consume. Remember, the goal is to maintain steady energy levels throughout the marathon, supporting optimal performance and an enjoyable race experience.